I just wanted to let all of my Blogger friends who thought of me and said a prayer ,that I had my cancer follow up cystoscope today and I remain CANCER FREE!!
I have hit the 5 year mark so I will not need any more scopes unless there is a problem.
I will have to go to my urologist once a year and a urine specimen will be sent for a new test that can detect cancer cells in the urine from the bladder, kidney or ureters.
If you have flank pain or notice blood in your urine, see your Doctor.
If I had not gone to the ED with right sided flank pain 5 years ago, the tumor in my right ureter would have gone undetected. Because I did go to the ED and an obstruction was noted in the right ureter on a CAT scan, the tumor was detected very early. They thought it was a kidney stone.
My Urologist was able to lazer it out and it was completely encapsulated which meant that I did not need chemo or radiation since it was Stage One Squamous Cell Carcinoma. If it had been any larger, I would have had to have had my right kidney removed.
You can only imagine how grateful I am to have been giving the Gift of Time!
Thanks so much for all of your prayers!!