This is one of my favorite places.
Here is the gift shop which greets you when you first walk in.......
Delightful Treasures await you...
As we walked up stairs to where we would be seated, I took pics of the rooms that we passed by.....
Each decorated differently....
This is the Gold Room with it's iron gazebo in the center...
A beautiful vignette on the buffet...
A cozy little spot for Tea....
Beautiful Gold decorations....
An Alcove all decorated....
The pink Room.....
There was a party going on in there so I did not want to intrude too much...
The Green Room...
Beautiful decorations.....
A painting on the stair case....
The room that we were in....
Our Tea sandwiches......
Freshly baked scones....
Notice the serving piece...
A Beautiful plate glued to a candle stick!!
Us Bloggers know all about that , right??????
John and Lisa....
Joe and I...
Finally a decent pic of me and he has his eyes closed....
Al and Carol......
Jolyn and Amy....
Ann Marie and Rose Marie and her hubby......
Rosalie and Joe. I think he was going to stick his tongue out at me......
Such a beautiful place....
Another room with a party in progress.....
And another room.....
Sugar's Tea Room is owned by 2 sisters and they do a wonderful job! Good food, beautiful atmosphere and wonderful friends made for a lovely day!
I am linking up to :
Seasonal Sunday
Amaze me Monday
Tea Time Tuesday
Tea Cup Tuesday
Tea Pots and Tea Things Tuesday
Tabletop Tuesday
All Things Merry and Brite
If you missed my HOME TOUR, please click on the pics of each room on my side bar to read the post on that room or Click on the first one, The Front of Our Home and that will link you through all 7 posts!!!
Thanks for stopping by today and everyday that you take the time to visit me!