Confession time: I've been sitting on these photos for a couple of days now, because I wanted to come up with a clever introduction for them. I wrote and re-wrote, but all I ever came up with was...I MET VICENTE WOLF, I MET VICENTE WOLF!!!!!!! Now you understand my dilemma. I mean what do you say about meeting someone you admire so much., who's creative genius inspires you to be better at your own profession, everyday?
(That's me palling around with Vicente. I won't show the photo of me unconsciously twirling my hair around my finger while he spoke to me) So, sorry this is late; but here's what happened. Monday, the Houston Design Center hosted a book signing and lecture to promote Vicente's new book, Lifting the Curtain on Design. This was something I couldn't miss!
It was so exciting and I was pretty nervous. I imagined myself walking up to his table and drooling or passing out. Also, I wondered if I could tell him how much I love his work and how much of a genius he is. In reality, all I could get out was, "Hi Vicente I'm Carolina. I love your books, will you sign my copy of Learning to See, also? Oh, and may I take a photo with you?" Amazing, huh? Funny enough, he asked me if I spoke Spanish and I answered, "Si, claro". This seemed to make him relax a bit and we chatted a little bit more. Next, Vicente spoke about his new book and about the ins-and-outs of running such a prominent design firm. I found this refreshingly honest. (Let's face it designers have a tendency to be a bit standoffish!) So, it was awesome.
Although by evening's end, Vicente wasn't overwhelmed by my charm to the point of insisting on being my new BFF; I still had an experience I will never forget:)