With all of the extra time on my hands, one thing I was able to accomplish was tracking down an affordable large-scale photo that will remind me of my Paris vacation without screaming, "I went on vacation in Paris and now want to cover my entire apartment in pictures of the Eiffel Tower."
I ended up purchasing the photo above of a tree-lined park in the Jardin des Plantes -- nicely priced at 20x24 for $125. The photographer, Irene Suchoki, has a great Etsy shop filled with dozens of similar dreamy photos of Paris, Italy, and other pretty places she comes upon in her travels.
Other than obsessively searching for affordable art on Etsy, I did make it outside for a dip in the pool, a late night adventure in Columbia Heights to new bar Meridian Pint (beertaps on the table = mind blown) and a trip to the Dupont farmer's market where I stocked up on peaches, plums, okra, greens and beautiful, purplish Cherokee tomatoes. I then girded myself for the walk home with Dolcezza Mojito sorbetto, and all seemed right in the world -- although in hindsight I'd attribute that to mild heatstroke.
So enough about my weekend, what fun ways did you come up with to beat the heat?