I had purchased a heart shaped cookie cutter that year. As you can see, I used it liberally.
And if I could have boxed up this crew and moved them with me to Boston I would have. I think between the 5 of us we threw about 2 dozen showers while we were in Memphis. I miss these people.

Last year I made mustache pops.
Now for the story:
Being the crafter that I am, I so wish I could show ya'll what I made Mr. Sabbe for our first Valentines Day. We still have it somewhere in storage. We had been dating 1 whole month when Valentines Day rolled around. Mind you, I already knew I was probably going to marry him. I was a sophomore in college and he was a junior. So to show my affection, I drive myself to Joann's and buy a round hat box and a jar of decoupage. Then I proceed to go home and cut out every pink and red image from every fashion magazine my roommate and I had in our dorm room. I also cut out words like "romance" "like" "date"...etc {bleeh, I know} and glued them all over the box. Then about an hour before he picks me up I attempt to bake cookies in our scary sorority dorm kitchen. I burn them to a crisp. I pick out the ok ones, put them inside the cardboard box {still hot} and head on down for my date. It was actually a group date. Two of my friends were dating Mr. Sabbe's friends at the time, so they got together to cook dinner for us. And here I come rolling in with my huge decoupaged love box, smelling like burnt cookies. And in front of all of his friends I present him with the all time greatest cheesy gift and the sweet boy receives it with pride. And that's when I knew I was definitely going to marry him. I found the box in his closet 6 months later, cookies still inside.
Remind me later to tell you about the time I made him a hand painted, collage, quote mirror for his 21st birthday. I mean, what 21 year old doesn't want a puff painted mirror with famous quotes?? What is wrong with me?!