Here are my Three Nativity sets that I would like to share with you today!
This first one I bought at a Home interiors Party right after we were married in 1978 and I have displayed it for 32 Christmas seasons!
It's home is on top of my Dining Room Hutch. I love the colors of the figurines!
This Nativity Set is on top of my Living Room Entertainment Center. I won it at our Church. It was raffled off at a fund raiser and we bought one ticket for $1.00!!!
I added the bowl, jar and animal blanket accessories. I saw them one year at Walmart and I had to have them because I thought they were so unique!
And even though this is not a nativity set, I love the "Praying Santa". Puts the whole Holiday in perspective I think....
I bought the one on the right at a Gift Shop and the little frame to the left, I bought at yard sale for 25 cents!
And here is a smaller slightly different version. Santa has a sack of toys on his back on this one. I love how Santa is clutching his cap ....
And my little collection of Praying Santa's started with this one. My MIL made this one in ceramics for me many years ago......
I am also linking up to :
Tabletop Tuesday
All things Merry and Brite
Deck the Halls Friday
Seasonal Sunday
Thanks for stopping by today and everyday that you take the time to visit me!!