But it was never to be.....
The little girl grew up, married and had two sons but still wished for a Victorian Doll House.
The little girl's husband bought her a Doll House Kit as a Birthday Gift one year and she thought that maybe she would be able to build the Doll House herself.......
But that was not to be until the little girl, who was now a nurse, discovered a wonderful man who had one been a patient of hers, built Doll Houses in his spare time.
He was a member of her church and lived only down the road from her.
When she asked him if he could make her childhood dream come true, he said YES!!
For 2 months, he worked on her doll house........

Painted and wall papered......

And finally , it was finished and the little girl's dream had finally come true!!
She had her Victorian Doll House to play with!!
She was so grateful that she contacted her local newspaper to tell the story of a man, who at 88 years old , had built over 30 doll houses!
The man was so thrilled when the newspaper article featuring him came out!

But .......
The wonderful man had been diagnosed with lung cancer right before he built the little girl's doll house....
He passed away a year later....
I want to thank Roy Nelson , who made my dream as a little girl, come true at the age of 50 years old.
I have named my beautiful Painted Lady Doll house, Nelson Crest and the family that lives there, The Nelson's , in honor of a truly remarkable man, who NEVER charged a dime for any of the doll houses he built!
And this is Nelson Crest.....
The heart shaped plaque under the round window reads " Created by Roy Nelson 2008 "
I have decorated her for Christmas......
She is on a turntable so you can see both front and back.....
You can glimpse the Christmas tree in the Parlor window on the bottom left....
Each shingle was stained and attached to the roof...
And this is my Dream home.....
The Parlor with a Christmas tree I created for Nelson Crest...
Papa, reading the newspaper in the Parlor..
The Dining Room with the table set for dinner....
Rose, playing in her bedroom....
She is the daughter that I never had...
Mama , sitting on her fainting couch, after wrapping presents....
The bathroom.....
And the Music Room......
Nelson Crest , decorated for Christmas.....
Notice there is no Kitchen?????
I told you it was my Dream House!!
To have more room inside, I elected not to have the staircase put into the house.....
Nelson Crest is one of my most treasured possessions and I will NEVER forget the wonderful man who made my dream possible!!
I am linking up to :
Show and Tell Friday
Deck the Halls Friday
Pink Saturday- My favorite movie is WHITE CHRISTMAS!!!
Seasonal Sundays
Amaze me Monday
Tabletop Tuesdays
Open House @ Coastal Charm
All Things Merry and Brite
Christmas 2010 Tour of Homes
Share the Decor Party
Hooked on Holiday House Tour
This was the final Part of my Home Tour Series.
If you missed any of the previous Parts, please click on the pics of each room on my side bar and the link will take you to the post that featured that room!
Thanks for stopping by today and every day that you take the time to do so!!