Today I would like to show you our Dining Room.
This is my most Victorian looking room.
I have a 7 foot slim tree in the corner of the room. And this is tree # 5
To see my other trees, please click on the pictures of each on my sidebar
One of my Old World Santa's that I collect....
This is my Mauve Victorian Tree...
I have collected ornaments for this tree over quite a few years now...
The tree has white lights on it along with pink and clear Rose lights.....
I have white tear drop beads draped around the tree and rose colored ones hung like tinsel....
Next to the tree is another one of my Old World Santa's on a marble topped pedestal stand....
This is a hand made Santa that I bought for only $40 from a woman who was retiring and selling off her Santa's.
Back to the tree....
I have tucked white Baby's Breath, frosted roses and pink sprays into the tree...
Here are some of my favorite ornaments...
Three picture Tea Pot Ornaments....
This one has a pic of my Dad holding Joey, my oldest son.
And this one is of my Dad holding Jim, my youngest son.
This one of of my Mom
My fake window....
I hung curtains to cover a pass through from the Dining Room into the Kitchen
Looking into the Kitchen
My stereo in the corner...
A Victorian Angel....
On top of my stereo...
Top of a cupboard that my Dad made to match the Dining Room set which was inherited from Joe's Grandmother
Some of my Tea Cup collection....
My Chandy was given to me by one of Joe's Aunts who didn't want it...
Of Course, I had to decorate it...
An Angel hanging in the one corner
A Victorian Stocking......
My Santa sitter...
My Village...
The photo on the shelf is of Joe's Maternal Grandparents....
This village was a complete set from Sam's Club...
This paper mache Santa was $4.00 in Salvation Army....
My Hutch with my collection of Moss Rose China
The photo is of my Paternal Grandparents....
Some of my Victorian Dolls.....
The sled is handmade.....
I did the arrangement in it....
So this is my Dining Room.........
I am linking this post up to
Seasonal Sundays
Deck the Halls @ Between Naps on the Porch
Amaze Me Monday
All things Merry and Brite
Open House @ Coastal Charm
Christmas 2010 Tour of homes
Hooked on Holiday House Tour
Share the Decor Party
and all of the Christmas blog parties on my sidebar.
As part of my progressive tour , please click HERE to see my Living Room!!
Thanks for stopping by today and every day that you take the time to visit me.