I am going to take you upstairs........
This is the garland going up my railing at the top of the stairs.....
I did make a wreath for the door!
Well, it is the smallest bathroom known to man!
And I haven't shown you it because it is too small to take pictures inside of it!
So here is a glimpse......
It is decorated in deep purple and sage green but as you can see...sink,toilet and tub!
That is it!
Whoever built our townhouses did not plan right because my bedroom is 16' x 20'!!
You think they could have made the bathroom just a wee bit bigger!
Well, it is less to clean!
Moving on to what used to be my son Jim's room which is now my guest room
I have this odd piece of furniture that I took from my MIL's neighbor's house
( they were going to throw it out!!) and sort of turned it into a fake mantle and fireplace!
It is decorated with mini Victorian ornaments from Micheal's a few years ago!
The Skater Girl is mine from my childhood!
These house/churches were from Target last year on Clearance for $5.00!!!
The embroidered scarf on the top was made by my maternal grandmother
Here is the whole room with what was originally posted as Tree # 4
Some of my Debbie-Dabble followers may remember when I decoupaged wrapping paper on these wig heads.......
Well, I added lace and bead collars with cameos!
To recap, this is my Nostalgic tree with ornaments that are special to me like Baby's First Christmas, childhood ones, etc....
It is a 6 foot potted tree.....
Dolls and a Santa at the base...
This lamp was originally in my Den but had to be moved for the tree in that room and I did not want to pack it away so it will live in this room for a bit....
Two ornaments hanging from the shelves along with a Santa and an angel......
My Fake Fireplace!
There are shelves inside those doors and that is where I store all my old magazines that I cherish!
My Teddy Bear Tea Party.....
Jim ( used to be his room) wanted to know if it was the room for the girl I never had.....
Maybe for the grand daughter that I will have ....
some day.....
just maybe.....
And this is the last tree, Tree # 14!!
See, Joe does have his own space in the house!
This is an alcove in the Master Bedroom.
It is his Pittsburgh Shrine!!
This is his Pittsburgh Penguins and Steelers Tree that I did for him!
We have season tickets to the Wilkes Barre Scranton Penguins Hockey games which is the AHL affiliate of the Pittsburgh Penguins........
He was extremely glad when I decided to paint out bedroom gold!!
This is homage to Joe being a Mail Man!!
This Tree was originally posted as Tree # 2, my vintage tree!
It is the tree from my Childhood...
This is very much like the village under my parent's tree....
Some pieces actually were my parent's....
And once again, to recap, here is the trees in my Craft Room
This small white tree was Tree # 3
And this was the first tree I decorated this year....
Tree # 1!!
Some goodies at the base of the tree....
Joe's Grandmother's Singer Sewing Machine.....
And that is Joe's Christening Gown.... both of my sons also wore it....
Some pretties on the floor...
And that is the tour of my upstairs!!
As part of my progressive Home Tour please click HERE to see the last part, my Victorian Doll House!
If you missed any Parts of my Home Tour, Please click on the pics of each room on my side bar to link to the post featuring that room!!
Once again, THANK YOU EVERYONE for your very gracious comments!
I am so trying to visit everyone and I hope to make more visits so PLEASE be patient with me!
I am linking up to these great parties:
Deck the Halls Friday
Deck the Halls @ Between naps on the Porch
Open House @ Coastal Charm
Show and Tell Friday
Seasonal Sundays
Amaze me Monday
Tabletop Tuesday
All Things Merry and Brite
Christmas 2010 Tour of Homes
Hooked on Holiday House Tour
Share the Decor Party
Thanks for stopping by today and every day that you take the time to visit me!!