If you missed Parts 1,2,3 and 4, Please click on the pics on my Side Bar to link to these posts!!
This is my Den.......
It originally was the outdoor patio of the house....
My Dad enclosed it, heated it , took out the Kitchen door and window and made it another room for us....
It became the Toy Room for the boys......
Now it is where one of my computers is located and where we spend drinking our coffee in the morning while catching up on the local news on the TV......
Since it was a patio, it is only 8 ft. by 20 ft.
Weird dimensions but you have to work with what you have!
Now I will take you around the room...
As you can see it has a Blue and Burgundy theme...
Every room of my home is a different color....
As you come out of the kitchen, going to the right........
My sister bought this for me the first Christmas without our Mom .....
This door is to a small storage room.....
Okay you know by now that I made the wreath and floral swags in this room too!
The Calendar is from Avon many years ago. My sons used it to count down the days til Christmas and I still do....
Have you noticed how much I like shelves.....
I have some Thomas Kinkade things and some that look like his, in this room....
Burgundy in this room!
One of my Santa's and one of my Dolls....
A Thomas Kinkade Music Box....
End tables were bought by Joe at a Church Flea Market for $6.00!!
Tiffany Lamp is from the Dining Room where that tree is now....
I love my " Believe " sign!! Do you Believe????
Some of my Victorian Tassel dolls......
My Back Door.....
Thomas Kinkade Four Season Plate Clock.......
And tree # 9!!!
I originally had the 7 ft. slim that is now in the Dining Room out here but when I had my doll house built, I had to change thins around.....
Thomas Kinkade house underneath the tree and a light up Dickens like town under the table.......
Those Santa boxes underneath the table house my Christmas Movie collection...
Vintage topper and pheasant feathers which were a popular Victorian decoration....
This tree has cream and burgundy colored ornaments along with Thomas Kinkade ornaments....
The beaded garland has a rose pattern embossed on it and I have burgundy roses stuffed into the tree...
For Tea Tuesday, see the Thomas Kinkade Tea Pots and Tea Cups......
Remember my Church Flea market find.....
All filled with Teddy Bears...
Where my computer is concealed and I do most of my posting....
These Christmas Carol figures came from a local department store many years ago....
Angels on the curtains....
This another set from Sam's Club....
Another Wreath I made....
This hides the computer cords!
My Victorian Doll house, Nelson Crest, is also decorated!!!
I will do a separate post showing you Nelson Crest....
This is tree # 10 that I made for Nelson Crest....
And here it is in the Parlor....
Den side of what was the kitchen window....
Tree # 11
I bought these ornaments at Micheal's several years ago and they remind me of my childhood and Christmas in the 60's so I thought they deserved a separate tree...
Some close ups......
The little girl on the sled is me as a kid...
We lived on a hill and I was always sleigh riding...
Just recently I realized that they must have NEVER taken care of that road since we used to sleigh ride so much!! LOL!!
My Thomas Kinkade Calendar with a different plate for each month.....
The inside of my hutch....
The little house were from Ollie's this year for $2.99 each!!
Underneath the Hutch....
Victorian doll and a Thomas Kinkade house inside the cloche....
My " Antique " toys...
This car is fiberoptic and was a gift from my sister!
On the door...
Another Santa....
That is my Den!
I am linking to these parties:
Blue Monday
Amaze Me Monday
Tabletop Tuesday
Tea Time Tuesday
Tea Cup Tuesday
All Things Merry and Brite
Deck the Halls @ Between Naps on the Porch
Deck the Halls Friday
Show and Tell Friday
Seasonal Sundays
Open House @ Coastal Charm
Christmas 2010 Tour of Homes
Hooked on Holiday House Tour
Share the Decor Party
and all the Christmas Blog Parties listed on my Side Bar!!
As part of my progressive tour, please click HERE to see my Kitchen!
Thanks for stopping by today and every day that you take the time to do so!!