Today I am taking a break from all of my Christmas decorating madness!
I would like to show you what is most important and good in my life!
Yesterday we celebrated my Baby Boy's 27th birthday!
Yep, Jim's birthday is December 7th!
My son's are going to have a fit that I posted these pics because they are not ones that like to have their picture taken!!
But here they are....
This is Jim getting a good laugh that his big brother gave him a Gift Card from Target ( where Jim and Danielle work) that is in the shape of a Baby Carriage!! LOL!!
And here is my oldest son, Joey!!!
We give money , not gifts. Since they are both out on their own, they need that more than gifts!!
This is a photo from Christmas last year of Jim and Danielle, my daughter- in- love!

And Joey from last Christmas!
I told you that he does not like to have his picture taken!

This is Joey's Christmas tree in his apartment. I had an extra tree ( imagine that????) so I gave it to Joey.
You can see that he is a minimalist, not like his Mom!

Joey's Birthday is December 29th when he will be 29 years old! Yep, both their birthdays are in December!!
I thought it was so cute when I brought them both home from the hospital in Christmas Stockings but I didn't realize then that for the rest of my life we would be celebrating 2 Birthdays along with Christmas in one month!!!
I had birthday parties for each of them when they were young and tried desperately to keep their birthdays separate from Christmas. I was like a Mama Bear when someone gave them a Birthday gift wrapped in Christmas wrappings!! LOL!!
Where has all that time gone?????
It seems like it was just yesterday when they sat on Santa's lap.......
SEE..... they didn't like their picture taken then either!!

Thanks for visiting today!!