I have gotten a tremendous amount of mail on my recent Dutch Doors post. Its seems this charming design element really resonated with all of you.
First I heard from Karla at Its the Little Things That Make a House a Home blog. This very talented lady found a wonderful old solid wood door and created her own Dutch Door. Read the "How To" HERE! The photo above is her new Dutch door - isn't it fabulous?!! Thanks so much, Karla, for sharing it with us!
Next I heard from a reader whose friend recently installed interior Dutch Doors in each of her children's bedrooms. She thought it was a fabulous way to be able to walk by their rooms and not see the mess on their floors!! Having two pre teens, I loved that idea!!
Then I heard from a reader who just wanted to bring in light to an otherwise dark space, but keep the dogs inside! She also loved the feeling of being open to the outdoors - and no bugs! Wonderful!
Everyone agreed that no matter what the primary use, Dutch Doors added a charming design element to their homes. A warmth and personality all their own - and that my friends, is what decorating is all about!!
I loved hearing from each and every one of you!
(all photos unless otherwise noted House Beautiful)

I loved hearing from each and every one of you!
(all photos unless otherwise noted House Beautiful)