And here is what I received in the mail the other day from a wonderful and artistic Blogger, Cindy Adkins!!
One of her Christmas Journals and Christmas magnets!!! Cindy has a great blog, Whimsical Musings and you can visit her by clicking HERE
Thanks again, Cindy!! You are too kind!!
I have been off from work this week and I have been busy.
But first, I would like to share a bit of news with all of you. I had my Cystoscope done this week.
It is my yearly Cancer check up where they look to see if the tumor that I had in my right ureter ( the tube from the kidney to the bladder) has grown back.
Good News!! I remain Cancer Free!!
Once again, I have been given the gift of Time!
I went to see Trans Siberian Orchestra on Sunday evening and it was 3 hours of fantastic music, lights, lazors and pyro!! We were right off the stage to the right and had a great view!!
If you have ever been to one of their concerts, in the first half, they tell a story which is the same story featured on their PBS Special. It is about an angel sent down from heaven to find the good in man on Christmas Eve. I still get tears in my eyes every time !!! If you have the opportunity to go to their Winter Concert, GO!!! You will not be disappointed!
And this is how I have been spending my week off.......
Getting ready for my last Craft Fair that I will be doing that will be held Saturday and Sunday!
How my space looked at my last Craft Fair two weeks ago....
Making things to stock my space at a local Antique and Craft Co Op!
And decorating for Christmas!!
I have my Living Room completely finished...
Here is a sneak peek at my Living Room tree after I got done with the lights....
And I have finished the Dining Room and it's 7 foot slim tree!
Here is a sneak peak at my Dining Room Tree with only the lights on.....
I add white and pink rose lights to this tree. I bought the first set of pink lights at a Garage Sale for $1.00 and about 2 years later , found the white rose lights at another yard sale for 50 cents. Both sets were brand new in original packaging!
Today I would like to show you Christmas Tree # 4 which is my Guest Room tree!
I like to call this my Nostalgic Tree! Many of the ornaments that have special meaning to me are on this tree!
I have chosen a bright Pink Ribbon to make the Bow on top of the tree out of and matching snowflakes since they match the darker pink in the drapes and in the bedspread on the bed in this room.
Some of the ornaments were mine as a child.....
Were from my both son's First Christmas....
Bought for me by Friends and Family.....
Some are from Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer which is one of my favorites. Did I ever tell you that I remember the very first time it was on TV????
The icicles were bought by hubby, Joe at a church Flea Market for 25 cents for 4 packs!!
Disney ones are from our trip to Disney World in Florida when the boys were young!
The crocheted snowflakes were bought for me by my MIL at her church Flea Market for $3.00 for the whole bag!!!!
This is a 6 foot potted tree that I bought at Target for 75% off..... $10.00!!
And now for Part 3 of the TOUR of COUNTRY FOLKS Home Decor Store.
These are more pics of the second Floor!
This is a white tree with brown ornaments!! Stunning!!
Do you see the "Let it Snow"???
When we turned the corner, all I could say was "WOW"!!!!!
A hunters and Fisherman's Christmas.......
Gold And White....
A copper and gold tree....
Love the Vintage looking ornaments on this tree!
I love the bedding on this bed!
If you missed The Tour of Country Folks Part One, click HERE
and for Part Two, please click HERE
Since I have been so busy, I haven't had much time to leave you all comments but I have tried to visit when I got the chance! Forgive Me!
I am linking up to these great parties for this week:
Thanks for stopping by to visit me today and every day that you take the time to do so!