Hello from London, week two! I can’t believe how fast time has passed, and I’m drowning in pictures and cool products and artists I want to share. I thought I would start by sharing a few snippets from my Sunday.
I kicked off the day by grabbing a little brunch with the talented and lovely designer Heather Jenkinson at Albion, in hipster-y Shoreditch.

Afterward, I set out with every intention to go to the Tate Modern, but was foiled by the heinous weekend public transportation and my complete lack of any sense of direction. Human compass I am not. Fortunately, my failed attempt to get to the museum took me on one of those fun and random wanders where you end up seeing important landmarks you hadn’t actually intended to, and come across unexpected surprises. One of my favorite discoveries was the Christ Church Greyfriars’ garden, built on top of the ruins where part of the church was destroyed in World War II.