In the stores that is!!
I bought my first ornament of the season in Micheal's the other day!!
It is part of the Velvet and lace collection of ornaments!
I love the name.... Velvet and Lace!!
I love vintage looking skater ornaments, don't you?
There is another style similar to this one so I will be going back for that one too!!
I use my 40% off coupons to but each ornament. Takes it down from $5.99 to $3.60!
I know, I'm cheap!
While I was at Micheal's, I decided to take some photos of the Christmas decorations that they were putting out.
All of the ornament collections are already on display!!
Please click on photos to enlarge to get a better look at all of these beauties!! Then click one more time to enlarge them even more!!
I'll be going back for those Victorian doll heads!!
And they have out a Village display!!
And garlands....
And wreaths and reindeer....
And velvet poinsettias in all colors....
And look at these luscious beauties.....
I am trying to figure out where and how to use those green ones...
More floral....
Houses to paint and a lot of other things to play with....
And they were just creating these displays but I thought they were fantastic!!
Brown , gold and copper.......
Love those cherub like angels!!!
Love that brown and pink angel!!!
The I went to T.J.Maxx....
Look at those darling little mica covered snowmen!!!
And my good friend , Ginger, from Glitter and Roses just bought these pink poinsettia dishes!!
Love those carolers!!
Well, that is my tour of Micheal's and T.J.Maxx near me!!
I will be out taking more photos of more stores in the near future so stay tuned....
I am joining in on the fun at DECK THE HALLS FRIDAY
Please stop by Tinsel and Company to get your Christmas Inspirations!!
Thanks for stopping by today and every day that you take the time to visit me!!
Many Hugs,