Remember the
storage ottoman I started a couple of months ago? Well step one was easy. Step two (upholstery) proved to be a little more challenging. My first attempt was with a faux white leather. It looked terrible, too thick. I added buttons to the top, terrible. After looking and looking for an alternative, I finally came upon this orange bamboo fabric in the $5 section at Freddy Farkles. I thought it would work for the meantime. Now that I've got it on there I actually really like it. Mr. Sabbe likes it too. He keeps saying "it's so much cozier in here" and I remind him that the difference between a raw plywood box and an upholstered plywood box in your living room can be quite transforming.

The corners are still not my fave, but I'm not up for a third try any time soon. Mr. Sabbe added those slider things to the bottom of the feet, which are also not my fave, but he's cautious like that and I love him for it.The best thing is, our entire guest bedroom fits inside. All for less than $50.