I am joining in on the Christmas fun at Denise Marie's Christmas Collector's Alley # 2 at Christ is the Heart of Christmas!!!

Please visit Denise Marie and all of the others who are sharing their Christmas collections by clicking HERE
This is a Monthly party where everyone can show off their Christmas Collections. In December, the party will be a weekly event.
For this month, I am showing you what I will call my Nostalgic Collection.
These are items from my childhood and things made for Christmas by my 2 sons.
Below is a wooden Christmas Sleigh that my younger son, Jim , made in Cub Scouts.
I display it on our Front porch every year.
Unfortunately, hubby placed a shovel next to it and that is the black handle you see to the side.

Next is the wooden reindeer planter that my oldest son, Joey, made in Cub Scouts.
You can also find it on my front porch at Christmas Time.

And displayed right next to the reindeer is my childhood sled.
It was a Christmas gift from Santa, who bought it at the old Western Auto Store. WINK,WINK!!
Who else had a Western Auto Store in their town when they were a kid??? I guess I am really showing my age!!

On my sidebar , you can see what I call my Screaming Meemie photos of my sons when they were very young on Santa's lap. They did NOT like Santa at that age.
Both of my boys were born in December ( I know, bad planning on my part) and I was lucky enough to find this frame about December babies at a yard sale.
"Friendly and full of love, December 's child is a gift from God above"
I have this frame on display in my Craft Room all year round and still keep that Santa Picture in it.

This is a Plasticville Village that is under my table top tree in my Bedroom. This tree is decorated with all vintage ornaments and I call it the tree from my childhood.
The blue house in the front was under my tree when I was a child along with some of the chalk figures and the plastic reindeer. The rest of the pieces I bought at flea markets and yard sales to replace the other pieces that were lost from my childhood platform village.

Next is a picture of my family , many years ago. I am in front of my sister, Barbara, who is 10 years older than I am, my Dad and my Mom.
See the village on the platform under the tree!!
Those were my first shoes with a heel. I believe I was 9 years old. I loved those shoes!!!

I have many Christmas Collections but I am saving them for the December segments of this great party !!
Please visit me at my regular blog, Debbie-Dabble to see my Fall decorations!
I am also linking up with
Thanks for visiting me today and everyday that you take the time to stop by and spend some time with me!!
Many Hugs,