Sunday, June 6, 2010

Amy Butler + Graham and Brown = LOVE

Since the beginnings of this blog I have expressed my deep love for Amy Butler fabrics. I love her, I love her work. I want my home office to be as cute as hers. I want to embrace her handmade lifestyle. I want to be her best friend, etc. etc. So you can imagine how pumped I was when I turned the corner at the ICFF and ran into Graham and Brown's booth, displaying all of their new Amy Butler designed wall coverings! PUMPED. And they are so fun.
Amy and G&B, could you add a large Lotus to the line next? It's one of my favorites.
I was gushing so much at the booth that the Graham and Brown rep gave me her Modern Midwest book, which was such a nice surprise. It's a beautiful book. AND he told me that I missed meeting Amy by a day! She was at the show on Saturday and I didn't get there until Sunday. So sad!

On a somewhat related note, does anyone know who makes this wall covering?
What do you think about faux wood wallpaper? Like or dislike?