As some of you may know, I'm headed to France in about 30 days (!). Naturally, my normal levels of francophilia have shot through the roof, and I wanted to share all of the awesome stuff feeding my excitement sourced from around the Web.
1. First, I am truly obsessed with the Paris' motto and coat of arms, "Fluctuat Nec Mergitur," which translates to, "She is tossed by the waves, but does not sink." So lovely, I would actually like to make that my own official motto. Supposedly, you can find the coat on architecture throughout Paris, and you know I'll be on the hunt for beautiful photos to snap. A few I discovered on Flickr above and below. (Image credits [and great photographers]:
Jean Michel-Voulat,
Dorenrof Claudius)

2. One of my stops on the trip will be St. Tropez, and I am loving Garance Dore's
dispatches from the resort right now, particularly her shopping finds, including vintage shop Le Marché Du Marin and Rondini sandals. If you want to see pure, unadulterated glamour, go check out
her blog right now.

3. While we're on the subject of St. Tropez, my friend Tristan from
Liminality is there right now, and snapped this gorgeousness. I basically died when I saw it.

It reminded me to dig up this older photo he took in Paris of models post-show, which I also love.

4. I can't talk about models in Paris, without thinking of Antonio from
The Singular. His photos provide tons of packing inspiration.

5. Finally, Nichole from
Little Brown Pen takes the most amazing photos of Paris. I love that she captures the details -- cafe chairs, the vivid reds and blues of a shop's awning, and beautiful architectural details most people never notice. It's easy to take beautiful pictures of Paris -- but Nichole's photos actually take you
there. Stop by her
Etsy shop to take a little piece of Paris home.