But, in a home designed by Abigail Ahern, you get a very clear idea of who the person living there is...and they're really, genuinely, impossibly cool.
Like style writer Rita Konig--her home (featured in the book) has been one of my favorites for years. Filled with lots of personal details, and stacks of books and magazines, there is none of the showroom feel, and all of the style.

The book also includes great DIY guides for a lot of the "Sunday Afternoon" projects that are do-able but daunting for decorating newbies, like hanging wallpaper, making stair runners or putting up shelves.
Ahern was most definitely NOT kidding when she titled the book "A Girl's Guide" -- it's clear from the very first page that she wanted to take all of the stuffiness out of decorating, and make it fun and accessible for those of us who are just starting out -- who want a home filled with details, and character and glamour.
Check out a few more examples of Ahern's "cool girl" decorating style below, and buy the book here.
Full disclosure: I was provided with this book for review (but I would have bought it anyway!) :)