Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Obligatory Lonny Post

So are you guys Lonny'd out yet? I know pretty much every design blogger on the planet will be talking about this issue -- and with good reason -- it's a really, really good one. There was so much to love in this month's issue, from the eco-friendly home tips to a glimpse of West Elm's moodboards.

However, the one feature that really knocked my socks off was a tour of editor-in-chief Michelle Adams' lovely apartment. It was impeccably outfitted and actually seemed like something the average Jane (or wallpaper-loving Joe) could pull off. I loved how many rooms were photographed from different angles so you could see how it all fits together.

I pulled SO many ideas for my 500 square footer. First there was the adorable ostrich wallpaper. As you can see there is a lot going on here, between the gallery wall and the wallpaper, but Adams' smart decision to keep the palate airy keeps the vibe from going too far into granny territory.
I was also a huge fan of Adams' floral headboard -- again another decision that could have easily gone into Golden Girls territory but balanced perfectly with dark walls, a natural rug and pristine white linens.

And then there was the styling...oh, the styling. If you're the type of person who falls in love with the details, brace yourself. There were so, so many lovely ones to choose from here (and throughout the entire issue.) For example, take a look at these brilliant tabletop pairings: