This unexpected heatwave has left me feeling like this -- I must get back to the sea. It's funny because (being 5'2 and just over 100 pounds) I tend to get rocked by the sea -- it does not embrace me back, that's for sure.
A usual day at the beach for me involves spending an hour on shore nearing heatstroke, letting the delirium from the heatstroke coax me into the waves, enjoying myself for five minutes, getting smacked face-first by a wave and, finally, spending the next ten minutes picking sand out of my teeth, trying to avoid a wardrobe malfunction and poorly timing my mad dash to the shore.
But somehow a day at the shore restores me in a way I can't describe. The brown tinge on my skin and salty smell in my hair leave me feeling...whole. So even though DC is a land-locked city, I'm going to try to give us a weekly dose of images that take us back to days spent at the sea -- starting now. Enjoy!