Sunday, November 8, 2009

The Hunt: Mad Men Desk Lamp

In honor of tonight's season finale, I searched high and low for lighting that reminds me of one of my favorite props from the show -- Don's fantastic double-gooseneck task lamp. I couldn't find an exact replica, but here are some great, affordable options if you're in the mood to bring a little bit of Sterling Cooper to your office -- Added bonus: This approach will go over much better with HR than day-drinking and hitting on secretaries.
Left to Right: 1. Green metal desk lamp (Vintage Jane) 2. Vintage double gooseneck lamp (Modish Vintage) 3. Vintage green metal gooseneck lamp (VintageCottageGarden) 4. Tensor goosneck faux bois lamp (VintageEye) 5. Last chapter vintage lamp (BelovedBagLady)