I've never had to job hunt in a bad economy! I've always had a really easy time finding a job and I have a feeling this process is to give me a really big dose of humility. Not to mention I am waaaay above the Mason Dixon line, where every other person has a Masters from Harvard and could not point to the University of Tennessee {go vols!} on a map.
I went to an IIDA cocktail party the other night and met some local designers. It was fun, but sad...there were 20 year veterans who had been laid off 6 months ago and had still not found jobs. I made friends with a furniture rep, who probably for no other reason than to make conversation, gave me the "Now, How are you going to make yourself different?....You must think outside the box" speech. At that moment I was nodding, glass of wine in hand, and thinking this is the most depressing party ever. But it was good advise.
So after another week and a half of procrastination...I'm ready to rise to the occassion. To start things off I've revamped a portfolio website that I've had for a couple of years. Here is my new home page....

I'm still sewing part time! And I have lots of fun bedroom projects to unveil later this week. Stay tuned.