Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Mini Cherry Pie Tutorial

Flower Power Cherry Pies

Preheat oven 350 degrees

2 packages of refrigerated pie crust{Pillsbury}
1 can cherry pie filling
1 egg white
1/4 cup sugar
Flour (for sprinkling on worksurface)
Cookie cutter
Wood or metal skewer

Sprinkle worksurface with flour and layout pie crust. Fold in half. Cut shapes.

Take a piece for the top and bottom side of your crust and add 1 spoon full of pie filling.

Place top and pinch together each petal with your fingers.

Take the skewer and poke holes in the top {like the center of a flower}
Brush with egg whites and sprinkle on sugar.
Bake until golden brown {about 12 minutes in my oven}
Recipe makes 20 pies.
I made another batch of these for a party I am going to tomorrow night so I thought I would post a little how-to. They are great for showers/parties because they are easy to pick up and don't leak all over your plate like a normal pie. I {heart} pie. The only difference with the heart version I did for the shower last week was that I used a fork to press the top to the bottom together. I'm going to make another batch soon for a baby shower I am hosting. I'm going to use my onesie cookie cutter and am hoping they look like a fat little baby belly....we'll see.