My college
roommate can verify, when my closet door is bi-folding, I am the worst at keeping it shut. I don't know why. Give me a swinging door and I'll have no problem. Most people might just make a resolution to keep the doors shut, but I know myself and I won't keep it. So I've been wanting to do a little closet makeover for a while. Among the many home projects Mr.
Sabbe and I have been working on this week, this one is my favorite.

Note: this closet is all mine. So don't feel sorry for Mr.
Sabbe thinking he is putting his man clothes in a purple closet.

I made the chandelier from white contact paper, just like the

I like it! No new clothes, but it feels like I got a whole new wardrobe. Did you notice my little homage to
Miss Zoe, my #1 assistant?

Don't ask me what this little door goes to...I can't even open it. The house was built in 1917. Sometimes I veer on the safe side and leave some things undiscovered.

The chandelier was by far my favorite part. If you don't have the patience to cut the contact paper (which was almost too much for me) you can find lots and lots of other cute stuff for sale at