Wow, this week has been so crazy for me! I'm just now getting a chance to post my weekend photos. Of course, you guys knew I had to show these pics! I had lots of fun but I didn't get to stay very long. Still had time to find lots of great stuff. One of my favorite booths was Carolyn Westbrook Home. How they managed to set up such a gorgeous setting in the middle of a field, I'll never know.

Love these party gowns!

I call this photo "The Cool Girls". They are wearing the "It" hat, that is the must-have at Round Top.

Never can resist rusty things.

To top off all the fun, I had a chance to meet up with fellow bloggers
Cheryl Schulke of
Stash Studios and
Chris Brown of Urban Prairie. We had casually mentioned meeting, but didn't have anything specific set up. When I did find them, for some reason I decided to include myself in on their lunch. The worst part is, I had already had lunch! I only sat there and watched them eat. I swear I don't know what gets into me sometimes. So, Cheryl and Chris; I had lots of fun meeting you and I hope you don't think I am a total crazy.