
Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Day!

I don't care what the critics say, I like Valentines Day. It's a holiday where crafting is highly encouraged and unrestrained displays of affection are deemed acceptable. It's my kind of holiday. We decided to celebrate last night. My valentine was on call Saturday so I took the opportunity to spread a little love around the apartment. (this is also a good technique if there is any doubt your loved one may forget what day it is)
 I made heart shaped whoopie pies. They were pretty complicated and I was sad that they did not turn out as pretty as they looked in the tutorial. Luckily, looks were not his top priority.
I still have not learned my lesson and I continue to make crafts for Mr. Sabbe on Valentines Day. It's been 10 years, why stop now? This year I made him a little book to tell him all the reasons I both appreciate and love him. (I also love sewing paper)
And lastly I wanted to share this verse with you. My church is currently going through the book of Ruth, which is one of my favorites. It is filled with romantic love. And although, in context, this statement is from Ruth to Naomi, I think it could be borrowed to compose the most romantic love letter ever.
It's very Romeo and Juliet to me.
Happy Valentines Day!