I spent 5 weeks this year exploring London, Paris and the south of France. I learned how to bake ..a little. I explored my local farmer's market, reconnected to the food I eat, got to be a prettyyy good cook (in my humble opinion) and feel healthier than ever in the process. I had many opportunities to learn and grow at work. I learned to love the stairmaster. I got to meet so many new and exciting friends, and finally, mercifully, mastered the Sunday laundry/cleaning routine.
A lot of things on the list above are things I want to keep doing, but a few will be new endeavors. So if 2010 was a year of challenges, I hope 2011 will be a year of exploration and wonder -- living in the present and feeling grateful for all of the beauty around me.
I wish the same for you...
Images via 1. Tay Devlin 2. via Wedding Whims 3. via Audrey Hepburn Complex 4. Me, roadside pitstop, somewhere in Greece 2007 5. via Design Sponge 6. Sabino 7. via Whole Living [all photos edited by me, will appear differently at the original source]