
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Snowbird Report

Does Snowbird bring back fond memories for any other Southerners? I loved that bird.
This is what it looks like outside my front door this morning.
And it's still coming. I love it, I really do. And that lady in red in the first shot makes me realize how much I really do love working from home. Unfortunately Mr. Sabbe does not work from home. As I sit in our warm apartment, drinking coffee, I've been looking outside my office window every couple of minutes to see if he's trudging his way home. He walks to work. But the thing is, he left for work yesterday morning at 5:30 am for a 30 hours shift and I'm pretty sure he did not know a blizzard was scheduled. i.e. no snow gear. bless his heart (that's southern too)

Instead of sitting here kicking myself for not going to the grocery store yesterday, I wish I were in Stowe. This storm should make for some excellent ski conditions. If I won the HGTV dream home I would take you all with me.
You would take me too, right?