
Monday, September 13, 2010

Happy Monday

Good Morning! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. This past weekend was my first at home in DC in more than a month, and, as Jane Austen would say, there is nothing like staying at home for true comfort.

I spent Friday night catching up with friends at one of our favorite college-era dive bars, then had a post-tequila realization that most of us had been friends for seven years this week. Awesome and disturbing all at once.

I hit up a driving range with my brother and significant others on Saturday. But of course Sunday was my favorite day this weekend. After a few weeks of not eating particularly well, it felt great to get back to the Farmer's Market and reset my eating habits. I stocked up on greens, cheese, bread, tomatoes, peppers, eggs, some of the last peaches of summer and bought a few lovely bouquets. Dinner was an all market meal of steak and poached eggs (my first time poaching!), roasted peppers and a green salad. Amazing.

So what did you guys do this weekend? Anyone else have an awesome Sunday supper to share?

Image via Pia Jane Bijkerk -- now, if only my Monday morning looked like that!