
Monday, August 2, 2010

Favorite Pastimes

It was a beautiful weekend here in New England and after an early morning scramble at the REI garage sale (Have you ever been to one of those? It's like outdoorsy, boy version of the Filene's bridal dress sale. Hilarious) we headed to the Cape. All summer we have been talking about going down to Chatham to watch one of the Cape Code Baseball League games. So far Chatham is our favorite town in the Cape, so for this last game of the season we routed for the Anglers. We cheered especially loud for everyone from the South.  As much as I love the city, sometimes I think I could be whisked off to small town America and be just as content.

Before we headed to the game we partook in one of my favorite pastimes. If you are ever in Brewster, you have to stop by Wayne's Antique Store. It's the best.

We wrapped up the weekend last night with an Arcade Fire concert. It was possibly the best.concert.ever.