
Monday, May 17, 2010

Guest Blogger 1: Carlee

I always like when some of my favorite blogs invite other people to write for them. It's an easy way for me to find new blogs that write on things I would be interested in. So I asked 3 of my Boston blogger buddies, who all happened to be recently engaged, to show us some wedding inspiration they have found in Interior Design. I did not start writing a blog until 2 years after I married Mr. Sabbe, so the subject of weddings should be a nice new subject.

First up, Carlee from Deliciously  Organized. Carlee and I met at the blogger meet up we had last Fall and have been friends ever since. She cracks me up because she's from San Francisco and says things like "knarly". She also keeps me up to date on things like detox diets, facials, crazy supplements, and, of course, organization. Her fiance recently kicked my husband's butt in a game of golf. 

Thanks for sharing Carlee!


As a preface, I've mentioned this on my blog, but I'm not a huge fan of weddings.  Although since newly engaged, I'm warming up to the idea.  So please, bare with me on my inspiration board as I'm a total amateur on this subject...

Had to throw in a stache pic as this is Stephanie's blog!  

Photographs: Room, Ladies, Flowers, Shoes, Cake, Bowtie and Girl in Chair