Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Sight Seeing {South End}

I have a confession.
I'm a bit of a peeping tom.
It began 5 years ago during a stay in Paris. I fell in love with Parisian apartments, from the street level, while walking home one night from a sparkling Eiffel Tower.
I now live in the South End {you can pull your curtains now}
Seriously though, I only check out light fixtures, fireplaces, art, and moldings in upper story buildings, while taking our occasional night stroll . I promise I'm not crouching behind hydrangea bushes.
{now pull your curtains back open}

Lucky for me, this South End couple's apartment was recently featured in Dwell Magazine.
I heart Dwell Magazine. One day Mr. Sabbe and I are going to be in Dwell Magazine.

The ground floor houses office space for the wife's graphic design studio and husband's market research firm.
With a seven year old also sharing the space, the couple prioritized things like indoor air quality, using all low VOC paints, adhesives, and caulks. (that = extra good parenting)
The space was designed by the very talented architects at Stern McCafferty.
I have loved this white marble since the beginning of time. It NEVER goes out of style.

Now, if only every cool apartment it the South End would make an appearance in Dwell Magazine, I could keep my eyes on the street and out of your apartment. More Here
UPDATE: Thinking back on our 04' trip to Europe led me to look through some old photos. I found this video. If you haven't seen the Eiffel Tower sparkle...here you go. This video of our 22 and 23 year old selves, years before we were Mr. and Mrs. Sabbe, makes my heart happy.