Well, I survived my ten year high school reunion in Nashville this past weekend and am back in Boston for a round of laundry and re-packing. Then we head up to Maine for the rest of the week. It's been soooooo nice forgetting what day it is with Mr. Sabbe. I can't wait until he retires.
So I bring you zero fun craft projects. But in the morning I will clean the thin layer of cat hair that has settled around our aparment while we were away (still no ac), and show you what I've been working on in our bedroom.
My living room still needs alot of help. I was thinking of making some window panels that are somewhat inspired by these dresses. What do you think? I figure if it goes awry, I could cut it up and make myself a cute skirt. I want some bright color, but I cannot commit to a pattern.
And l will conclude this very random post with: I am on page 400 of Breaking Dawn and I just have to say what. the. heck...never saw all this coming. AND I'm so impressed with all of my friends who have already read the books and in no way, shape, or form lead me to be think it was going to get this crazy. What am I going to do when it's over?! Bella, Edward, and Jacob....you have been my first-summer-in-Boston-BFFs. I'm not ready for you to leave me yet.