Monday, August 10, 2009

Green With Envy

Happy Monday, everyone! Mine was brightened by an early morning email from Joni. A quick glimpse into a fantastic home that makes me feel, oh so envious. Especially this kitchen! I can honestly say, this is the first time I've seen a kitchen so perfect for me, that I would not want to change a detail. I LOVE it! Sadly, some other lucky person will be enjoying it, since it recently sold. Whoever you are, if you are reading this; please don't change that kitchen!

The rest of the house's color scheme is beautiful too! I love the earthy neautrals with an occasional bright, bright color. So exciting:) Also, check out the black stained concrete floors. Ahhh, I'm so smitten.

This house is located behind one of our favorite family restaurants, so I have been admiring it's exterior for a couple of years now. Mark and I always said we would want a house that looks just like this, who knew I would feel the same way about the interior too!