Sunday, July 26, 2009

Haven and Home

I just got home from a wonderful weekend in NYC to check my blog reader and find that my sweet friend Marianne blogged about my blog. Marianne has been blogging for less than a year and already has a ton of followers. I've never fully embraced the blogging world {ie. I'm bad at leaving comments, entering fun giveaways, and updating regularly with some sort of cohesive subject matter} But Marianne is on it. Reading her blog is like reading Domino magazine {may it rest in peace} OH and an added bonus, she does a little devotional post on Sundays, which I love. Here are images from some of her recent posts.

I'm feeling this eagle motif thing like I'm feeling the deer heads. It's going to be big.

But I just wanted to let anyone know who doesn't that she's out there. And the most fun thing is I have known Marianne since I was 18. We met during a break our freshman year in college through a mutual friend. And if wasn't for the blogging world, we would not be in touch ten years later and probably know each other ten times better.

Blogging is so fun for so many reasons! Have a good Monday!