
Monday, May 11, 2009

Mark Your Calendars!

This weekend I am going from just photographing the Urban Market (here, here and here) to SELLING at the Urban Market!!! I have to admit that I am feeling very nervous. I mean, unlike when I sold my furniture at an antique store or when I write this blog; I will have to be present along with my furniture. I feel like I will exposing myself! The good thing is that I will be there with the lovely Paloma of La Dolce Vita. Hooray for friends!
So, I'm using this post as therapy; I'm talking it out and I'm hoping some of you will come by and offer some support. (If you want to literally support me and buy some stuff that will be very welcome too:) I collect unusual things that catch my eye and that are what else? Very eclectic and off-beat. Okay, I'm taking deep breaths and practicing my faith.
Click here if you aren't familiar with the Urban Market and I hope to see you there!