Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Mad World

I stole this photo and my title from the publication, Stir, Sherwin Williams sends out. Check it out, it's FREE to subscribe.

When I first started my first job I remember being so embarrassed because I thought it was Sherman Williams...I even wrote it on a set of specifications....which also makes me recall an event in a third grade Sunday school class where I read Job {in the Bible} aloud and pronounced it job {as in my line of work} did I ever recover.

Anyhow, isn't this photo awesome! This would so be me in the 50's...maybe minus the cigarette...but who knows, maybe not. I always say I'm glad I was not alive in the 60's. I get so {often waaaaay more than necessary} passionate about things. If I had been alive in the 60's I would have been front and center burning my bra. My husband laughs at my efforts to be a submissive wife {I really am trying} I see the beauty of the man being the head and the woman being the heart, but my heart is HUGE and often overpowers my husband's sweet head. There is this crazy feminist inside me that rears her head every now and then...I suppress her with sewing and coffee and holding babies at church.

I don't watch Mad Men, which is where the photo originated, but I may check it out simply to take a peek at what set decorator Amy Wells has going on. In this issue of Stir, Emmy-nominated Wells explains how she researches her rooms by looking through old Sears catalogues and old decorating books. She's also goes into detail about how they have made arrangements with art collectors to stage identical reproductions of very famous pieces without getting sued!....very smart.

My sister-in-law is a set decorator. She worked on the We Are Marshall Movie.

After reading this article I'm think now I want to be a set decorator when I grow up!