celebrating the upcoming arrival of Baby Watson...
{I made the bunting out of some scrap fabric and ribbon, pretty simple. I used my new pinking shears, very fun! I cut the little letters out of contact paper. I love them. Need to have another boy baby shower soon so I can have a reason to leave them up}

We made cupcakes and got to use the icing gun I got for Christmas {thanks Jason and Gina!}

lots and lots of cupcakes

This is how you get a little boy to a co-ed baby shower.

This is how you get big boys. {don't they look like they're having fun!}

The most helpful man in the world maned the grill all night.
Tip to anyone planning a cookout-type shower...start grilling burgers before the
company arrives.

...the gifts were sweet ...

...the cupcakes kicked in ...

...our favorite 6 month old made a few appearances ...

....and the best gift of the night was revealed

What kind of friends would we be to not consider Baby Watson's future need for street cred?