
Friday, July 27, 2007

Axel Munthe - La Strada della Dolce Vita

Villa San Michele, Capri

The house was small, the rooms were few
but there were loggias, terraces, and pergolas
all around it to watch the sun, the sea
and the clouds -- the soul needs more space than the body.

Reading this poem just makes me sigh and relax. It is so true what he says that "the soul needs more space than the body". Living in the city can take it's toll on you. It certainly does for me especially in the summer. I long to watch the "sun, the sea and the clouds"....but for now this wonderful picture will just have to do.

Excerpt by Axel Munthe from La Strada della Dolce Vita
via StyleCourt.
Thanks for sharing this poem out of your book.