Little by little, we are seeing Vancouver highrise projects integrate LEED certification. Unfortunately, you don't see much of this in single family residential projects or in townhouse communities. Each individual project may be small-scale when compared to a tower but collectively, our suburbs full of these projects make up a large percentage of our developement industry. While more and more we are seeing projects advertised as "GREEN" or "LEED" certified, I think we as consumers need to recognize it isn't just credits that are given to a project that make it "SUSTAINABLE." The other day, I watched a news broadcast that credited Toronto as a leader in energy efficiency. With Vancouver geographically a perfect center of natural resources, how is that we as a city have not become or are not recognized as a leader in this area? I find it interesting to know that some of my favorite pref-fab companies fabricate their product right here in Vancoouver. While most of us in the industry recognize the challenge of finding good trades, companies like MICHELLE KAUFMANN DESIGNS have managed to find the right trades in Vancouver to launch their pre-fab home manufacturing. I refer to MKD's brand campaign being easily accessible to the general public by offering a variety of modular layouts. For aesthetics, an excellent example of modern design and planning, I refer to MARMOL RADZINER & ASSOCIATES.

I am inspired by their exceptional work as progressive leaders in pre-fab residential design and consider these two companies to be excellent design models for creating a business that will be essential to future residential devlopments.